About Me and BeaconWork

Who am I? Dokini –  a spiritual being in and as a human body. For those interested in my human journey on earth, I was born  and raised in Germany.  Having narrowly escaped death as  an infant and a prolonged hospital stay in isolation – I  am here to tell the tale :) .

As a kid I happened to identify with a little Jewish girl walking in line headed to the Nazi camps which I saw in a black and white documentary, and I never understood why The Germans did that. I was German…and that Jewish girl was  me. I also felt other things, things  that seemed to justify what the world still was saying at the time: Germans are Nazis = bad. Boy did that take time to work through.

Though we never had any other animals than a couple of parakeets, my family greatly appreciated nature, and nature became a safe haven, source of beauty and inspiration for me all  my life.

My journey has taken me through medical school, a several year marriage to a Brazilian, during which time I had come to see a completely different way of life while visiting Brazil several times. To this day, I LOVE Brazilian Portuguese – and the cheiro do Brazil around Christmas time in the Sao Paulo/Sorocaba region. Raised catholic, I discovered Buddhism in Germany and attended my first Lam Rim in Hamburg. It felt very weird to do prostrations at the time, but I was willing to do it. At that time, I did not investigate it much further.

After medical school, having gotten married, working for the US Army for a couple of years, we moved to the USA, and I ended up working in the field of Pediatrics for nearly 20 years, specializing in Neonatology (guess who I was really trying to save?), but did not pursue that direction but worked in general pediatrics instead.

Having grown up with herbal medicine and homeopathy as an accepted way of life and also sensing a deep deficiency, for lack of a better word, in the way allopathic medicine is practiced in the United States, I also started exploring the world of energy medicine, or energy work, various therapies (pathwork, core energetics, cranio-sacral therapy), and art, oriental dance and pottery – while still working in general pediatrics. On this path,  I have had many teachers, but my first “real” “spiritual” teacher is someone I stumbled upon innocently when I attended the standard class of Tom Brown Jr, The Tracker in 1990.  I had come across his book: Nature and Survival for Children in a bookstore in NYC, having moved there to do a Neonatal fellowship. I so resonated with all of what was in that book that I registered for the intro class.

That week of survival class with Tom Brown in 1990 was one of the most amazing weeks of my life and I went through various stages in relation to this teacher. By the end of the week I understood why some had referred to him as a guru. During the Philosophy 1 class – and after a week of working and immersion, we did an exercise that resulted in my scientific mind having to accept that energetic realities exist, can be perceived and lead to physical actions and results. After several more classes however, I knew I needed something else on my path rather than stay with him, even though I discovered truth in the teachings even many years later.

My next major step on the spiritual path, after spending 2 years back in Germany, lead me to programs like the Pathwork, core energetics and the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, graduating in 2000, exploring a variety of fields, including what is called shadow work. There are many on this path who helped, in particular Karin and Ron Aarons and their Temple of the Beloved. In Hakomi, I met Mukara Meredith, and was also fortunate enough to participate in the several Matrixworks workshops. To this day she is still a guide, friend and a lifeline. At this time Ken Wilber’s Integral Theories had shown up in my life and I resonated with it, though more on an intuitive level and not one that I can talk about in any verbal skillful way. I was exposed to other Ideas, including Adi Da’s, Hameed and the Waking Down work with Sanial Bonder. My second birth happened a year after my dad died.  I had a waking down retreat at my house in Reston, VA at the time  and also organized a Transfiguration Retreat with the group in Sevenoaks. They are not kidding about the Wake-Down Shake-Down btw.

After an invocation in the summer of 2002 and guided by incredible coincidences and awakening experiences I felt called to a life changing move to California in November 2003, the conventional medical system as well as life having increasingly become non-workable for me. At one time seeming to not fit into the “normal world”, for what seemed to be a variety of reasons, I felt also that I was ready for a life of prayer and service. My life changed to volunteer full time for the Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being In California under the Spiritual Leadership of E.J. Gold. This is a blog I wrote a few years back, and before the Brane-Power days Who is E.J. Gold? It has been some ride, I tell ya.

In 2009, the Beacon started showing up, and not having any for or against feeling about it, being truly neutral and without agenda one way or another, as best as I could tell, I had an interesting and unexpected experience with it just holding the grippers. I reported on it the next day, and even though a dear friend of mine said: “not convincing” I know what happened for me. It took me 2 weeks to integrate it.

The Crystal Quantum amulets followed soon thereafter, Brane-Power came into being and to this day I am amazed and the many many testimonial of experiences and life changes reported from folks using those devices. The Beacon is meant to be an aid, per Mr. Gold, something you eventually can do without.

In the summer of 2010 I started sensing and feeling the question: what do you want to accomplish before you die? Nothing came up other than what I was already doing, except clearing out my storage unit, but just in case, I made a sincere invocation that if there WAS something, for it be become known to me. It did not take more that 2 months for the answer. My so far last major teacher was Skye, a dog. Yes, a dog, a German Shepherd Husky adopted at 1 year of age, by a group of folks at the property I live. She was to be an outside dog in a non fenced property with 2 other dogs. I agreed taking care of her as a volunteer job assignment  and realized a few days later that this would require all of me to do what was needed to be done for what was best for her. From November 2010 to May 2011 I worked with her and the other 2 days. Skye was a guide and Bardo buddy and we walked through what seemed a tunnel. And during that time I woke up feelingly to the unspeakable suffering of the dogs – and indeed animals in this world. Another effect of this was that can see people so differently, more objectively and a lot of illusions dropped off. I cried more in the 7 months I took care of her than in the entire rest of my life. I came out changed, and, to speak in gaming terms, I had leveled up. As soon as the task was completed, she left. Wow. On a human level, I miss her, though I am telling myself she is better off where she is now. The way I am able to  work with and for dogs had to change though because she no longer lives with us,  and is still evolving.

In the meantime the Integral world had developed into what you see now, Feminine Power came into being, World Spirituality. The Internet was much bigger and Facebook was a way to stay connected on a level that we new to humankind till now.

These days I am finding myself acting in ways I never have in my life, including becoming somewhat of an activist and my body liking things it never liked before. Helping K9s was born in the Summer of 2011 and I am in the process of discovering the world of Natural Dog Training, while in training at the Animal Behavior College.  I am looking for folks in the integral field who are passionate about dogs. I am  revamping BeaconWork.

Something is pulling me to do what I am doing in working this Helping K9s thing….. finding myself where I am – with only simply words. I am now, January 2013, in the final stage of a dog training (the positive training method started before I knew anything about Natural Dog Training)

And now …a little more than a year after starting on BeaconWork, I am reworking it and having fun ….the journey continues.

I am still working with dogs and: Helping K9s. If you love dogs or animals in general, please check out that website or the Helping K9s facebook page  or the Natural K9 Training blog.

chicks-20120610_0326-wIn 2012 something else came into my life: gardening with chickens. Chickens are AMAZING creatures. I have been VERY busy, and having to deal with a lot of extra roosters I thought I was not going to have has brought another level of awareness to the extent of what humans do to animals and the unspeakable suffering we cause. Definitely animals can be a portal to heart awakening.

I still am volunteering at IDHHB and have recently used the KarmaWash from  Prosperity Path a lot, for the various roosters, wow ….

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Beaconwork is about the Crystal Quantum Radio Devices from Brane-Power to help with transformation of life, self, accessing alternate realities and parallel selves – for the benefit of all